

英漢字典: go through

1. pass through穿過

    The rain has gone through my overcoat. 雨水滲透了我的大衣。

    The material is so stiff that even the thickest needle won't go through. 這種布料太硬,連最粗的針也扎不進去。

    A new idea went through his mind. 他腦子裡有了一個新的主意。

2. examine查閱

    We must go through the account books together;there's still some money missing. 我們必須檢查所有賬簿,因為還有部分款項無著落。

    I will go through your papers. 我將審閱你們的論文。

    We have gone through the details of the plan to make sure tere are no loopholes. 我們仔細地審查了計劃的每一個細節,以確保沒有任何漏洞。

    The lawyers went through the evidence. 律師們核查了證據。

3. be put into effect完成

    After months of efforts the work finally went through. 經數月的努力,工作終于完成。

    Are they going through with their plans to build a new home?他們將實現他們的計劃,建立一個新家嗎?

    Let's go through all the exercises before we go out. 我們出去前把練習做完。

    It requires courage and patience to go through the undertaking. 要完成這項工作,需要耐心和勇氣。

4. undergo;experience;suffer;endure經歷(困難、痛苦等);遭受;忍受

    He has gone through such a lot since his wife died. 妻子死後他經受了不少苦難。

    You will never know what she went through to educate her children. 你永遠也不會知道她為了教育孩子,吃了多少苦。

    My grandfather had gone through a long illness before he breathed his last. 我祖父去世前遭受疾病的長期折磨。

    They went through many hardships during the war. 他們在戰爭年代裡歷盡千辛萬苦。

5. be satisfactorily concluded;be passed;be accepted得到圓滿的結論;被通過;被認可

    If the deal doesn't go through,they'll be ruined. 如果這筆交易做不成,他們就要破產了。

    The law has now gone through. 這項法律已獲通過。

    I was told that the deal went through. Congratulations!我聽說那筆生意成交了。恭喜!

    At the meeting the managers went through the items one by one. 在會上,經理們把研究的項目逐一討論通過了。

6. do what one is supposed to do;do what one promised做應該做的;履行手續;履行諾言

    I have gone through my part of the bargain,but you haven't gone through your part. 這筆交易我已履行了我的部分,但是你還沒有履行你的部分。

    We have all gone through the required formalities. 我們已履行完畢一切必要的手續。

    Applicants for party membership must go through the procedure for admission. 申請入黨的人必須履行入黨手續。

7. do or use all of;use up;consume用完;消耗

    We went through all our money at the circus. 我們在馬戲團把錢全部花光了。

    He has gone through two pairs of shoes this year. 今年他已穿壞了兩雙鞋。

I've gone through too much money this month. 這個月我花的錢太多了。

8. search搜查

    The Customs went through all our luggage at the airport. 在飛機場,海關把我們的行李都檢查了一遍。

    The police went through the suspect's clothes. 警察搜查了嫌疑犯的衣服。

9. be published in出版;發行

    This dictionary with bilingual explanations was warmly received by the reading public and went through two editions within a year. 這本雙解詞典很受讀者歡迎,一年之內已經出了兩版。

10. discuss carefully詳細討論

    The pros and cons of the issue have been gone through again and again,but we still haven't reached a conclusion. 這個問題的正反兩方面意見已被研究了一遍又一遍,可是我們還沒有得出結論。

    Let's go through the details of the examination. 讓我們詳細討論一下有關考試的具體問題吧。

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